
IMPORTANT  The SOAP API entered a limited enhancement phase in Q4 2020. Access to version 1.6 will be deactivated.

This entity associates user-defined fields with an InstalledProductType. An InstalledProductType is assigned to a Asset in Autotask. The user defined fields describe key data that the user wants to capture for assets of the specified type, for example, make and model, or replacement part numbers. .

Entity details

You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAP API call.

Entity Name: InstalledProductTypeUdfAssociation
Can Create:
Can Update:
Can Query:
Can Delete:
Can Have UDFs:  

Conditions and requirements

  • All actions on this entity require a System Administrator or Full Access security level.
  • UserDefinedFieldDefinitionId must reference a user-defined field of type 6 (Asset)
  • There cannot be two InstalledProductTypeUdfAssociations with the same InstalledProductTypeId and UserDefinedFieldDefinitionId.
  • InstalledProductTypeId and UserDefinedFieldDefinitionId cannot be updated.

Field definitions

Field Name Label Datatype Read Only Is Required Reference Name Picklist
id Id long    
InstalledProductTypeId Asset Type Id long InstalledProductType  
Required Required boolean      
SortOrder Sort Order integer      
UserDefinedFieldDefinitionId User Defined Field Definition Id long